Lynn Probert Psychic Medium

Demonstrating Mediumship

Sunday 3rd – Saturday 9th December 2017

Demonstrating Mediumship

Location: Arthur Findlay College
Course organiser – Simone Key, with guest tutors Lynn Probert and Eamonn Downey

Is the quality of your mediumship consistent?
Are you satisfied with the flow of information?
Do you want to present your mediumship professionally?
Can you handle your nerves?
Are you willing to accept constructive criticism?
If you are looking for a more polished professional presentation in your mediumship yet still retain your unique individualism, then this course may be what you’re looking for.

This course is intensive; you will be practising your public demonstrations of mediumship and private readings in group sessions and participating in workshops. We will be presenting you with lectures on the mechanics, as well as the philosophy of mediumship…..

For full details and booking information call 01279 813636 or go online at